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Advanced course of work

with convictions

Start: 04/23/2021 

Each lesson lasts 2 hours + recording

Live classes online

Limited number of seats

Cost: 60 $ 

Dates: 23.04;  24.04;  25.04; 30.04; 7.05;  08.05; May 14; 15.05


16-18.00 Polish time! 

in Ukraine 17-19.00

in Belarus 17-19.00

in Russia 17-19.00

Those who have been on our Introductory Trauma Therapy Belief Module know how important it is to work with beliefs.

This is evidenced by the feedback from the participants.

"There is nothing impossible in the world and almost any dream can be realized. But most often we are stopped by our own beliefs, which cut down all cherished dreams in the bud."

"Given that our beliefs shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions, it's incredibly important to work with them."

"I believe that it is necessary to work with the client's beliefs. Beliefs affect a person's entire life, they determine his behavior strategies, emotional reactions, thoughts, attitude towards himself and the world as a whole."

The way of origin of beliefs passes through our experience, interpretations of events, words from our environment and generic messages.

Beliefs take root  in our brain and help or hinder us from realizing goals, give or block energy, can be a blessing or a curse for us

Fortunately, beliefs, and accordingly the quality and comfort of life  can be changed.

For those who start learning

What will you get?

  • Information about the triune brain system and the influence of each of the parts on the formation of beliefs and behavior

  • Learn about the model of the formation of emotions and motivation-  ABCD

  • What is "Test Camera" and how it can be used

  • Information about thinking styles and their influence

  • Fundamentals of Neurolinguistics

  • Understand the importance of beliefs and why

  • Fundamentals of working with beliefs

For continuing education and beginners 

What will you learn?

  • Why do we need a neocortex?

  • Like what  and why train in the brain?

  •   Let's talk about the motivation  of fear and love and the energy "pantry"   and how to use it_ bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


  •   How to talk to your brain in its language to be efficient, full of energy and be able to set and achieve goals 

  • Learn the basics of neurolinguistics and neurodidactics

  • Bioelectric activity of the brain and why does a psychologist need to know this?

What will you get?

  •  Well structured theoretical and practical knowledge


  • Эффективный набор методик работы с  психологическими проблемами на глубинном   уровне рептильного мозга и лимбической системы, а также набор нейролингвистических методов работы с неокортексом._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

  •  Effective techniques for dealing with negative  beliefs, including transgenerational beliefs  beliefs


  • Methods for healthy thinking and communication 

  • Course Completion Certificate

  • Author's work and materials!

  • Recording of each class in  for 4 weeks



Natalia Voitsel

Psychologist, teacher, neurotherapist.

Author of scientific articles on the rehabilitation of children with developmental disabilities and scientific  works on neuropsychology and personality psychology.

President of the Polish Charitable Foundation "Gdy Liczy się Czas" 

She graduated from certified courses in artetherapy, fairy tale therapy,   body work, biofeedback (biofeedback method)

passed master classes on working with trauma,  with feelings, working with domestic violence, assertiveness.  Conducted trainings and master classes on family issues, personal growth courses.

 Addiction and Codependency Counselor.

Participated and conducted international seminars and conferences on psychology,

Сотрудничает по вопросам   психоонкологии  с Фондом Польский Миграционный Форум, Польской Ассоциацией   Психоонкологов.

Author of programs for children and youth on addiction prevention, healthy lifestyle education and environmental responsibility. 

Choose your plan

  • Choose your plan. 

  • Advanced Belief Course - $60

  • Advanced Belief Course + Domestic Violence Perpetrator Course + course materials - $120 (instead of $140!) 

Special offer!!!!

for those who paid for the certificate of the "Water course of work with trauma" and bought the course of work with beliefs, they receive a presentation of materials and the materials themselves for working with perpetrators of domestic violence, consisting of 21 sessions with a group - for free!!!!!!

$75  for Introductory Trauma Workers

+ graduation certificate

+ webinars and  materials by Anna Dodziuk van Kooten

+, Work with beliefs Natalya Voytsel

 + Advanced Belief Course

+ presentation of materials and the materials themselves for working with perpetrators of domestic violence, consisting of 21 sessions with a group 


"The module was held at a highly professional level, the information was presented in a structured, clear and concise manner. The value is that I got acquainted with the RPT, which allowed me to replenish my knowledge and professional capillo."

"I really liked the presentation of the material, structurally and emotionally at the same time, it's very easy to go to bed, it's easy to perceive. A lot of very necessary and useful information"

"The presentation of the material is clear, structured, and at the same time very interesting, with personal examples and experience. The material on working with persuasion and the personal worldview system are very valuable."

"I'm 100% worth it, so I'm going to the course of a dead wedding. I wonder what it takes for me to change my life to a better one."

"I watched everything in one breath and outlined everything! Everything is very clear and understandable! I really liked that you started from the very beginning. You told about the structure of the brain and how to work at each stage."

"It was very cool and interesting about the triune brain and the part about beliefs. The material was presented very clearly, structured. In general, delight. I took away a lot of valuable thoughts and metaphors"

"The presentation of the material is clear, systematic, understandable, accessible. The value of the material for me lies in its novelty. Previously, I was not aware of the rational theory of behavior. I liked that this theory "sorts out" the mechanisms of the emergence and functioning of emotions, behavior, beliefs, as well as methods of working with beliefs, which allows us to influence our emotions and behavior, as well as our attitude towards ourselves and the world around us.

"It was one of the best presentations of the material that I have ever encountered in my training. Natalia very harmoniously presented the material, living it with the audience. Many thanks for the re-filmed lecture with the presentation: I listened to it several times. The material is valuable not only for its interesting and important theory , but also by illustrating with examples from practice. Thank you very much."

"Excellent and cheers, enjoyed"

"The webinar formed an understanding of the importance of working with beliefs and thoughts, showed the role of beliefs and words in shaping the quality of human life; explained the reason for certain reactions of a person based on the neuphysiology of his brain and the reasons for the opposition of different parts of the brain, manifested in reactions and behavior; showed how our emotions and actions are born and how they can be influenced through beliefs; gave an idea of the main three types of thinking and the role of healthy beliefs; showed the influence of cognitive dissonance when working on one's beliefs; introduced rational behavior therapy and some of its techniques in working with beliefs. "

For me, a detailed description of the work with reconciliations is more important, but my clients' teeth are oncologically, and the work itself with these reconciliations will make it easier for them to pass through oncology. I understand the rules of healthy thinking and how to improve the diagnosis of reconciliation - I “take” myself, and in the future, in detail

"Very valuable information on the structure of the brain (it seems that I already knew all this, but I managed to structure and put it on the shelves). Particularly important, in my opinion, was information about the work at the level of different parts of the brain"

“I took a constructive working tool for myself. When it was suggested to “try on” some beliefs, I did this exercise and made sure that it works! Now I am revising my beliefs more and more often, I am already trying to “change the direction of the road” ... and I really like it!I also took a rational approach to working with clients, and also, I am very pleased with the results.I am very grateful to the teacher for the course.

there is already a lot of necessary information, so I will win in robots"

Матеріали для завантаження в рамках реалізації проекту 

Tel.: +48570942770
ul. Zielona 5 Lublin,  Polska

©2020  Institute for Development and Therapy "Sophia"  Certified courses for psychologists and psychotherapists

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